Thursday, September 19, 2013

■ SOUTH AFRICA: mango to boost recruitment of black cadet-pilots as demand dictates.

South African LCC, mango (JE), and regional operator, South African Express (XZ), have announced that, leveraging an existing SAX Cadet Pilot scheme, the airlines will cooperate to see cadet pilots from disadvantaged or previously disenfranchised backgrounds absorbed into mango’s pilot body as per growth requirements. The initiative forms part of Mango’s greater transformation and social engagement programme.

In a statement, mango CEO, Nico Bezuidenhout, said the initiative represents the next step in his airline's  commitment to support transformation, albeit in a "principled, sustainable and responsible manner.” He added that the airline will achieve a 10% black pilot representation level by March 2014. 
This amounts to more than twice the average black pilot representation in the domestic industry,” he said. Mango already holds the highest BBBEE level (5) (Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment) among scheduled mainline carriers in South Africa.
Inati Ntshanga, CEO of SAX, says that the partnership complements the carrier’s existing programme.
The initiative will provide greater sustainability in terms of the programme and allows for career progression beyond our aircraft gauge with the opportunity to gain type ratings on Mango’s larger aircraft type,” he said.