Tuesday, September 24, 2013

■ CONGO (KINSHASA): RVA, Welthungerhilfe sign $15mln contract to rehabilitate Goma Airport runway.

After the successful issuance of a tender in August, German NGO Welthungerhilfe (German for "World Hunger Aid") and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's air navigation services and airport management provider, Regie des Voies Aériennes (RVA), have signed a USD15million contract to rehabilitate 500m of Goma International Airport's runway 18/36, previously covered with hardened lava.

Damaged portion of runway 18 (GuidoPotters)
[Click to enlarge]
A signing ceremony was held last week in the eastern Congolese town, situated on the northern shore of Lake Kivu, next to the Rwandan town of Gisenyi, and was attended by Congolese Minister of Transport and Communication, Justin Kalumba, and representatives of Welthungerhilfe.

Funded by the German government, the 6-month contract will involve the re-asphalting of  the 500m of the runway that were inundated with molten lava during the January 2002 eruption of the active volcano, Mount Nyiragongo.

The works will be undertaken by Congolese contractors, Safricas.

An important hub in Eastern Congo, Goma International Airport has suffered numerous air crashes over the last twenty years, largely due to its difficult approach, frequent poor weather and lack of reliable aeronautical infrastructure.