Thursday, July 18, 2013

► TANZANIA: AeroVista pulls plug on Tanzanian subsidiary citing excessive taxation.

Aerovista has announced that as of July 1, 2013,  it has suspended the operations of its Tanzanian subsidiary, Aerovista Tanzania Limited. The Sharjah-based ACMI specialists had obtained their Tanzanian Air Operators Certificate in September 2012 just as a lease deal with Air Tanzania (TC) for a Boeing 737-500 (MSN 27354 | 4L-AJB) fell through.

According to Aerovista, the decision was taken after "a thorough analysis of the new aviation taxation regulations recently introduced by the Tanzanian Government" which rendered the continued operation and introduction of additional aircraft into Tanzania under the Aerovista AOC as economically unviable, for the time being.

It however remains positive that a future solution will present itself and will be seeking to revisit and re-examine prospects in Tanzania should the current situation change.