Friday, June 7, 2013

► GHANA: Virgin Atlantic axes Heathrow - Accra from late September.

Virgin logo
AirlineRoute reports that British carrier Virgin Atlantic (VS) is to abandon its five-times weekly service from London Heathrow to Accra, Ghana with effect from September 23. Should the move be confirmed, it would leave Virgin's Africa network at being just Johannesburg, Cape Town and Lagos following its withdrawal from Nairobi, Kenya last year.

VS' Richard Branson on the flight's inaugural
VS' Richard Branson on the flight's inaugural (GCAA)
Virgin Atlantic(VS): London Heathrow – Accra 
- Effective until 23SEP13.
  • VS657 LHR2245 – 0500+1ACC 343 12457
  • VS658 ACC1010 – 1800LHR 343 12356
Source [AirlineRoute]