Thursday, May 9, 2013

► TANZANIA: Tanganyika Flying Co. & Safarilink announce codeshare deal.

Tanganyika Flying Co logoAfter many weeks of system testing, East African tourism aviation specialists, Safarilink (F2) and Tanganyika Flying Co (TFC), have announced the launch of a codeshare agreement that is fully integrated into both their reservation systems. This Safarilink Aviation logowill allow travel industry customers of either airline to book flights from either carrier from within one carrier’s reservation system. 

Julian Edmunds, the Managing Director of TFC, said this new arrangement will initially allow tour operators, with a system login, to book TFC  flights from the Safarilink system or Safarilink flights from the TFC system. Anu Vohora, Safarilink’s Marketing Director, said that over an initial trial period, Safarilink would book the TFC Serengeti flights in  Premium Class, whilst TFC would book the Safarilink Maasai Mara flights in Y Class.

Therefore, should a tour operator or agent make a booking for a Safarilink flight to Mara using the TFC system, they will pay  TFC for the flight, according to their commercial terms with TFC, and likewise if they book a TFC flight to Serengeti using the Safarilink system they will pay Safarilink accordingly. 

Using a fleet of Cessna Caravans, Tanganyika Flying Co. offers connections to and from Arusha, Kilimanjaro International Airport, Nairobi Wilson, Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam, Lake Manyara, Ndudu, Singita Grumeti Reserves and the other Serengeti National Park airstrips. SafariLink provides scheduled air services from Wilson Airport, Nairobi to most of the major game parks in Kenya and charter flights within East Africa.