Thursday, May 23, 2013

► GUINEA BISSAU: ASKY Airlines to start Bissau from July 15; plans South Africa, Angola and possibly Europe in future.

Ethiopian Airlines' West African subsidiary, ASKY Airlines (KP), is set to commence flights to Bissau, the capital of Guinea Bissau, from July 15 following the signing  of an agreement between the Bissau-Guinean civil aviation authority (Agência da Aviação Civil da Guiné-Bissau - AACGB) and ASKY officials.

ASKY Airlines 737 Bissau
© ASKY Airlines
In a statement, AACGB director, Nuno Nabiam, lamented the country's relative isolation, stating that Guinea-Bissau has a deep need to solve the problems of air transport in the country, recalling that TACV Cabo Verde Airlines (VR) had recently suspended flights to the country owing to poor loads.

For its part, ASKY will tentatively inaugurate twice weekly B737-700 flights to Bissau with effect from July 15. One routing will be: Lomé - Abidjan - Conakry - Bissau (and vice versa), and another route Lomé - Bamako - Dakar - Bissau ( and vice versa). Flights are expected to increase to 5x weekly with in 6 months.

ASKY Airlines director, Busera Awel, stated that his carrier's goal is to "solve the problem of air transport in the region, with efficient connections between countries for increasing economic relations and the movement of passengers."

Busera ended by saying that ASKY's future plans include flights to Angola and South Africa, with flights to Europe expected to come in 2014/2015.