Sunday, April 7, 2013

► NIGERIA: "United Nigeria": new Nigerian Air Force airline takes delivery of a B737-500.

Nigerian Air Force roundelThe Nigerian Air Force could soon venture into the commercial flights sector following the delivery of a Boeing 737-500 (MCN 25791 | NAF916) this week. The revelation was made by the Managing Director of Aeronautical Engineering & Technical Services Ltd (AETSL), Air Vice Marshal Alkali Mamu last week.

NAF916 in Shannon (Shanairpic)
To be tentatively known as "United Nigeria", the carrier will initially provide ad-hoc charter services to the Nigerian and other African air forces in the form of troop transportation, and will later expand into the scheduled passenger and cargo sector. AVM Mamu added that maintenance and on-board services would be provided by civilians.

In addition to the above-mentioned B737-500, United Nigeria plans to add a second aircraft to its inventory, some time in August.

In the long run, Air Vice Marshal Mamu said the airline plans to open its own MRO hangar at Lagos Murtala Mohammed International Airport, with land already having been bought. Other potential MRO facilities are planned for Minna, Niger state and Abuja.

AETSL has until now, stuck mainly to the military MRO field in Nigeria, being responsible for overhauling the Nigerian Air Force's grounded Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jets as well as Hercules transport aircraft.