Friday, February 22, 2013

■ ZIMBABWE: Former head of Zimbabwean cricket board, Osias Bvute, named new chairman of Air Zimbabwe.

Air ZimbabweZimbabwean Transport, Communication and Infrastructural Development Minister, Nicholas Goche, has appointed a new board tasked with turning around bankrupt national carrier, Air Zimbabwe (UM) with the former head of the Zimbabwean cricket board, Osias Bvute, named as Chairman of the board.

The new 7 member board consists of:
  • Ozias Bvute (Chairman - former head of Zimbabwe Cricket ),
  • Gabriel Mugabe (Vice Board Chairman),
  • Michael Hove, 
  • Nathan Chikono, 
  • Laura Gwatiringa (CBZ Bank executive), 
  • Captain Alex Makanda (Current Air Zimbabwe pilot)
  • Locadia Majonga (Deputy Registrar-General & Non-Executive Director at National Merchant Bank Zimbabwe)
Source [ZBC]

It is uncertain as to what experience Bvute has in running an airline but he added that he is "aware" of the crippling problems facing the carrier noting that "failure is not an option".

Amongst Bvute and his board's priorities will be the settling of Air Zimbabwe's USD188million debt overhang and its various court battles with staff over unpaid wages and pensions.