Monday, February 11, 2013

► LIBERIA: Guinean CASA CN235 goes down near Monrovia; 11 dead.

Guinea flagA CASA CN-235 transport plane (MSN N020 | 3X-GGG) belonging to the République de Guinée (Republic of Guinea) crashed at 07h30L near Charlesville, Liberia with all 11 occupants on-board killed. Amongst the dead are the head of Guinea's Armed Forces, Gen Souleymane Kelefa Diallo, who was leading Guinea's delegation to mark Liberia's annual Armed Forces Day.

The CASA CN235 "3X-GGG" (PRM)
The CASA CN235 "3X-GGG" (PRM)
The BBC reports that 11 charred bodies were pulled from the wreckage that were then moved to the Du-Side hospital, at one of the world's biggest rubber plantations, run by the Firestone company, near the Monrovia's Roberts International Airport.
"I have the profound regret of informing the people of Guinea of the tragic military plane accident that happened this Monday, Feb. 11, 2013 around 7:30 am. in Liberia," Guinea's presidency said in a statement through its Ministry of Defense. "This accident cut short the lives of six members of the delegation led by Gen. Souleymane Kelefa Diallo; the army chief of staff and five members of this team."

Read more here:
Source [Aminata]

Guinea's Armed Forces have released a provisional list of those involved in the accident:
  • General Souleymane Kéléfa Diallo
  • Commander Malal Diallo,
  • Lieutenant Colonel Soriba Diawara
  • Commander Abdourahmane
  • Colonel Cellou Diallo, Pilot
  • Lieutenant Colonel Moustapha Sangaré, Co-Pilot
  • Colonel Mohamed Koumbassa
  • Captain Mamadi
  • Colonel Sanoussy
  • Commander Abdoulaye Camara
  • Captain Mamoudou Condé “Milla”, aide de camp
  • Colonel Mamoudou Condé, interpreter
No indications as yet have been given as to the cause of the crash, or its circumstances.

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf declared a day of mourning on Tuesday for the victims whilst Guinea has called for three days of mourning for the delegation.