Wednesday, February 20, 2013

■ ETHIOPIA: New BASA signed with Spain raises hopes for an eventual Ethiopian Airlines' Madrid service launch.

EthiopiaThe signing of a new Bilateral Air Transport Agreement  (BASA) between Ethiopia and Spain has reignited hopes of Ethiopian Airlines (ET) finally launching its currently shelved Madrid route plans. SpainThe BASA was signed yesterday in Addis Ababa by the Spanish Ambassador to Ethiopia Miguel Angel Fernandez Palacios Martinez, and the ECAA's Director-General, Colonel Wesenyeleh Hunegnaw. 

Ethiopian Airlines Bole International Airport
The new accord will likely reopen the possibility of Ethiopian Airlines(ET) resuming plans to operate a 3x weekly Addis Ababa - Madrid via Rome flight, originally planned to launch on 15 June 2013, but subsequently closed for unknown reasons. No official word on the route's status has been heard of.

According to the Ethiopian News Agency, Col. Wesenyeleh said the agreement will significantly enhance bilateral trade, investment and cultural ties between Spain and Ethiopia, while Mr Martinez said the agreement would both facilitate the expansion of Ethiopian Airlines' network and aid in the growth of import/export trade between the two countries.