After a meeting of the Conseil des Participations de l’Etat (Council for State Enterprises - CPE), on Sunday 3 February, Algerian Minister of Transport Amar Tou said the CPE had consented to "strengthening AH's fleet with the acquisition of 16 aircraft".
Regarding the touchy topic of deregulation and the possibility of an Open Skies treay akin to that in place in neighbouring Morocco and that currently being negotiated in Tunisia, Mr Tou was more ambivalent.
The minister said, moreover, that the opening of the skies to private airlines is not, for the moment, on the agenda, noting however that the Algerian authorities "do not definitively exclude the possibility of granting new licenses to private operators when economic conditions permit ".Source [TSAlgèrie]
Tou removed, in addition, the possibility of any forthcoming accession by Algeria to any Open Sky agreement because such an approach would, he says, "place the national airline, Air Algèrie, in difficulty". However, "when possible, we will," he said.
Mr Tou ended by saying that a Memorandum of Understanding between Air Algèrie and Air France-KLM to offer customers new routes between France and Algeria from the end of October 2013 was "part of a gradual opening up of Algerian airspace, taking into account Algeria's interests."