Sunday, January 13, 2013

■ TOGO: Construction works at l’Aéroport Lomé-Tokoin nearing completion.

Société Aéroportuaire de Lomé TokoinThe upgrading and expansion of the Togolese capital, Lomé's, l’Aéroport International Gnassingbé Eyadèma (AIGE), also known as Lomé-Tokoin Airport, is progressing with work nearing 80% completion. The project, funded by the Chinese Export-Import Bank (ExIm Bank) to the tune of USD150million and using the China Airport Construction Group Corporation (CACC) and WIETEC, aims to transform Lomé into a "sub-regional transport hub."

Togolese Minister of Transport, Mr. Noupokou Dammipi, during an on-site inspection tour in late December, expressed his satisfaction with the progress of work made considering the time taken for the foundation and the establishment of basic infrastructure:
"The main building will launch with all control systems in place to ensure security and safety that will make AIGE a hub in the sub-region", welcomed the Minister. The development comes at a time when the general sophistication of the security apparatus at the airport has aided Togo in dismantling drug trafficking networks who use Lomé as a transit point.
Source [Xinhua]

Rendering for the new terminal at l’Aéroport International Gnassingbé Eyadèma, Lomé, Togo
Rendering for the new terminal at l’Aéroport International Gnassingbé Eyadèma, Lomé

The Director General of Togo's civil aviation authority l'Agence Nationale de l'Aviation Civile du Togo (ANAC), Col Gnama Latta, noted that "the standards and practices recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are met in the construction of the new terminal. "

 Amongst the improvements to be made are: 
  • The construction of a new 21'000m² terminal with two levels conforming to IATA standards,
  • Capacity to simultaneously handle two large planes and three medium-sized planes, and 15 aircraft in total
  • Ramps with three aerobridges offering direct mobile access to aircraft, 
  • The development of a North-West axis connecting both runway thresholds,
  • The integration of VIP lounges, 
  • Offices and luxury duty-free shops,
  • Rehabilitation of the freight terminal to process approximately 50'000 tonnes per year against the current 10'000 tons - Earthworks have been completed and its completion is expected in 2013. 
  • The construction of a luxury hotel near the terminal to accommodate transit passengers and business travelers. The hotel will feature a hundred rooms and is to be equipped with a swimming pool, a tennis court, a conference room and a wellness centre and spa.
Source [info-aeroport]

Ultimately, the new terminal will process 1.5 to 2 million passengers per year with the old terminal being converted into a commercial zone. In the long term, however, Togo intends to build a brand new airport at Tsevie, 40km from Lomé, set for completion by 2020.
"Going by the development plans and estimated traffic flow in future, the capacity of our airport will reach 1.5 million passengers by the year 2010 and beyond this period, there will be no room for expansion," Togo's Commerce Minister Ahoomey-Zunu Seleagodji said in May 2012.
Source [Xinhua]

At present Lomé-Tokoin serves as a hub for Ethiopian Airlines' West African subsidiary, ASKY Airlines (KP) with the airport is set to take on further importance for Ethiopian Airlines (ET) when it launches its first flights to Brazil via Lomé in June 2013.