Friday, January 4, 2013

► NIGERIA: See Pics of Dana Air's inaugural flight from Lagos to Abuja.

Dana AirNigerian carrier Dana Air (9J) today resumed flights with its first route being Abuja-Lagos. The aircraft used was (MSN 53016 | 5N-JAI) which departed as flight 9J 353 at 09h45L with regular passengers, VIPs, journalists, stakeholders in the aviation sector and celebrities, including Nollywood stars, on board. (Note, Dana air's flight tracker shows a previous flight 9J350 from Abuja to Lagos at 07h20L).

Whilst Twitter was abuzz with generally positive comments, Nigerian newspapers were a bit more ambivalent, preferring to give a more realistic account of people's sentiments following the resumption of Dana Air flights, seven months after the crash of Dana Air 9J-997 in Lagos in June with the loss of 156 lives. 
"While some passengers have said it would take them a while before they could muster the courage to fly the airline, others say they would still fly the airline despite its aircraft accident which resulted in the federal government suspending its operations seven months ago."
Source [Leadership]

Dana Air resumes flights with 9J353 Lagos - Abuja

(Pictures courtesy Dana Air Facebook; our thanks to Martial Saugy for the tip)

Dana Air relaunch to Abuja

Dana Air relaunch to Abuja

Dana Air relaunch to Abuja

Dana Air relaunch to Abuja

Dana Air relaunch to Abuja

Dana Air relaunch to Abuja

Dana Air relaunch to Abuja

Dana Air relaunch to Abuja
Dana Air relaunch to Abuja (Dana Air)