Sunday, January 20, 2013

► MADAGASCAR: Corsair suspends Paris - Antananarivo flights until June citing poor loads.

Corsair InternationalFrench carrier Corsair International (SS) is to temporarily suspend its Paris Orly - Antananarivo, Madagascar flights effective 17 January to mid June this year citing poor yields.

The A330 docked at Aéroport de la Réunion Roland Garros
The A330 on blocks at l'Aéroport de la
Réunion Roland Garros
According to Corsair's website, the route is suspended for the duration 17 January to 12 June 2013, with the exception of the period 28 April to 12 May 2013.

Despite Madagascar's precarious political climate, Corsair's Madagascar station director Franck Andriamihaja, said the move was purely economic:
"There is no connection with the political context in Madagascar, he assures. It is only and solely a problem of profitability for the airline. We cannot afford to fly almost empty planes. The impact of rising oil prices also requires us to revise our flight schedules," he said.
Source [RFI]

The route was served 3x weekly with an Airbus A330.