Thursday, January 3, 2013

► KENYA: Jetlink Express hoping to resume ops by 31 March.

Jetlink ExpressNews reports out of Kenya state that bankrupt Kenyan regional operator, Jetlink Express (J0), grounded since November owing to a liquidity crunch, could resume operations by the end of March, if talks with potential investors come through.

Jetlink Express
Jetlink Express
In an interview with Kenyan paper, Business Daily, the airline’s managing director Elly Alluvale said that the carrier is talking to potential investors over a possible cash injection, with the hope of restarting operations before the end of March 2013.
I cannot say exactly when but we are hoping to resume business before the end of this quarter,” said Captain Alluvale in a phone interview Thursday. The carrier’s 350 employees have been on leave.
Source [Business Daily]

Jetlink ceased active flights on 16 November due to the inaccessibility of USD2million worth of funds locked up in South Sudan, with creditors taking the airline to court over unpaid bills shortly after.