Wednesday, January 2, 2013

► COMOROS: Government acquires Let410 with aims of rebuilding national airline.

ComorosThe Comorian Government on Saturday 29 December 2012, took delivery of a 19 seat LET 410 UVP-E20 (D6-NWD) with the aim of launching a dedicated inter-island air service. The move comes after the crash of an Inter Îles Air (ZXA) Embraer 120ER off the coast of Hahaya, Grande Comore in late November left the islands' local aviation industry reeling.

Comoros Islands Air A320 in Sudan
Comoros Islands Air A320 in Sudan (AP)
The turboprop is understood to be the first of several potential aircraft, said to be part of a renewed national airline to serve the islands and other horizons in the long term. 
At the ceremony, the President of the Comoros, Ikililou Dhoinine, said: 
"I'm here because of the enormous difficulties our country has experienced concerning air transport; difficulties which have always been at the centre of our concerns. Our country needs several aircraft to permanently and safely transport (people) between islands, regional and international, " he said.
Source [ComoresOnline]

A similar initiative under a previous government, Comoro Islands Airline (CIN) - financed by Rubban Logistics of Kuwait (75%) with the Government of Comores holding a 25% share - flew its first inaugural international flight to Jeddah to take pilgrims to the Hajj in 2009. As of 2009, the carrier served the islands via Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport on Grande Comore, Ouani Airport on Anjouan and Mohéli Bandar Es Eslam Airport, though shortly after, it ceased active operations. 

A resumption of services was scheduled for 2011 but lapsed with the airline's sole Airbus A320 (MSN 3040 | D6-CAS) now leased out to Sudan Airways (SD).