Friday, November 16, 2012

► SOUTH SUDAN: Kenyan Fokker 50 crash lands in Aweil; no casualties.

South Sudan
News wires are reporting the crash landing this afternoon, of a Kenyan Skyward International Fokker 50 (MSN: 20175 | 5Y-CAN) in Aweil, the capital of Northern Bhar al Ghazal state, South Sudan. The flight was carrying members of the International Office of Migration (IOM) returning from a conference in Khartoum, Sudan.
Aweil, South Sudan (Google Maps)
Aweil, South Sudan (Google)
The crashed Fokker 50 in Aweil
The Fokker 50 crash itself (gurtong)
Short finals into Aweil with the disabled Fokker 50
Short finals into Aweil with the disabled F50
Of the 57 passengers onboard, some were said to have sustained injuries.
The airstrip … is safe for landing, but a plane is a metal and you don’t know what can happen,” Mr Madut, the deputy governor Northern Bhar al Ghazal state told a local radio station. “The pilot did a good job; he managed to save the lives of 57 people who were on board, coming from Sudan.

Pictures taken by eyewitnesses at the scene showed the aircraft lying flat on the ground.One of the wheels was twisted to point into the sky and a broken off trunk lay by the side of the wreckage on dry grass. A passenger who disembarked unhurt from the plane said he was alerted to the sound of grumbling. And in a short while, he said, the aircraft was lying in the bush.
Source [AfricaReview]

Thanks to our reader Bigogwe Masaka.