Thursday, November 15, 2012

● ETHIOPIA: Class of 2012 graduates from the Ethiopian Aviation Academy.

At a ceremony held in Addis Ababa on 13 November, 255 trainees graduated from the Ethiopian Aviation Academy schools of aviation maintenance, marketing and cabin crew. Of the 255, one hundred and fifty are maintenance technicians (of whom four are Tanzanian nationals), sixty cabin crew and forty four are marketing trainees.

EAA Class of 2008 (aircrew)
The graduation ceremony was attended by Dr. Joram Biswaro, the Tanzanian Ambassador, Ethiopian Airlines CEO, Tewolde Gebremariam; Ethiopian Airlines management and staff; and the families and relatives of the graduates.

Inaugurated in 1956, the Ethiopian Aviation Academy consists of various schools catering for:
  • Cabin Crew Training,
  • Marketing & Ground Operations,
  • Pilot Training,
  • Aviation Maintenance Technician,
  • Technical Recurrent Training,
  • Leadership training

It offers global standard aviation training services, with a current yearly in-take capacity of around 1,000 trainees and its Aviation Maintenance School certified by both the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). 

Ethiopian recently launched a new pilot training program with an agreement with Flight Path International, a company based in Canada and implemented the Multi Crew Pilot License Training Program. The MPL program is a new pilot training and licensing system established by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 2006 to qualify first officers.

In line with its parent, Ethiopian Airlines' Vision 2025, the Ethiopian Aviation Academy aims to become the leading Aviation Academy in Africa with global standard aviation training services. It plans to increase its yearly admission capacity fourfold by 2025, with almost half of the admissions coming from other airlines.