Thursday, September 6, 2012

► GABON: Turkish Airlines to serve Libreville from late December.

Turkish Airlines
Panapress Africa is reporting that Turkey and Gabon, on Monday 4 September,  finalized a Bilateral Air Services Agreement (BASA) that will see the Turkish carrier operating a daily flight between Istanbul and Libreville, the Gabonese capital, with effect from "the end of December."

Turkish Airlines Africa Network
Turkish Airlines Africa Network
"A statement in Libreville said the agreement was signed in Istanbul on Monday by Mr. Suat Hayri Aka and Mr. Emmanuel Jean Didier Biye, under-secretary of State to the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of Turkey and deputy Minister in charge of Transport of Gabon respectively."

No schedules have been loaded into the system as yet, but when they are, we will update the post.

Turkish Airlines only recently announced it would serve Nouakchott, Mauritania in addition to Hurghada, Egypt, and Kinshasa, Congo.