Friday, September 14, 2012

► ANGOLA: Aeroflot pulls out of Luanda from mid October.

AeroflotRussia's Aeroflot (SU) is to pull out of the Angolan capital, Luanda effective 16 October 2012. The route - Moscow Sheremetyevo – Hurghada, Egypt – Luanda, Angola - is presently served twice weekly by an Airbus A320.

Aeroflot's old route network
Aeroflot's once prolific Africa network (Airchive)
TAAG Angolan Airlines (DT) at one stage served the route up until the late 80s/early 90s. Cold war allies, Luanda and Moscow have long enjoyed close economic and military ties, though with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Angolan Civil War, those ties have since diminished.

Aeroflot: Moscow Sheremetyevo – Hurghada, Egypt – Luanda, Angola
-Last flight exMoscow on 16 October 2012; exLuanda on 17 October 2012
  • SU420 SVO0755 – 1040HRG1140 – 1710LAD 320 | 2
  • SU421 LAD0535 – 1245HRG1345 – 2030SVO 320 | 3
Source [Airline Route]