Sunday, July 8, 2012

► ZIMBABWE: 1Time to start Joburg to Harare and Vic Falls?

1TimeThe aviation rumour-mill here in Zimbabwe is awash with word that South African LCC 1Time (T6) has just completed a trial Johannesburg - Harare, Zimbabwe flight and will shortly commence service, though no official confirmation has yet been given by either 1Time or the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe (CAAZ).

1Time Route
1Time's Route Network.
In the recent past, Kulula, 1Time and the now-defunct LCC VelvetSky had battled to no avail, enormous red tape and CAAZ protective measures to acquire rights to service the very lucrative routes of Johannesburg - Harare, and Johannesburg - Victoria Falls where the average price for a return ticket from Harare to Joburg can cost anywhere from USD$440 to USD$600 using either South African Airways or BA Comair.

Until now these routes have been dominated by South African Airways, BA Comair and even Air Zimbabwe though with Air Zimbabwe facing possible liquidation, it seems likely that the Zimbabwean authorities would want to free up the route seeing as the only competitors on it, are now exclusively South African.
As mentioned above, 1Time is also looking at starting a service to Victoria Falls which, in theory, it does already serve, albeit on the Zambian side of the Falls - Livingstone.

Watch This Space.