Monday, August 6, 2012

■■ MOZAMBIQUE: (Pics) New Domestic Terminal at Maputo Airport to be ready by October.

-Updated 28 December 2012.


Construction works on Maputo Airport's new Domestic Terminal have been concluded with functionality testing to be run from August onwards. The final touches now being applied include the cooling system, electrical appliances, safety equipment, escalators and an FIDS (flight information display system).

The terminal is then expected to be officially inaugurated and handed over in October according to Project coordinator Acácio Tuendue.

"Since 2010 both domestic and international flights have been taking off from the international terminal, with the Chinese company AFECC commencing construction in April last year.
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, project manager Acacio Tuende said that the domestic terminal will be tested in July, with operations scheduled to start in August. The terminal is due to be inaugurated in October.
This is part of a major project for the expansion and upgrading of the airport, budgeted at 132 million US dollars. Of this amount, 32 million dollars will be spent on the domestic terminal."
Read More Here [AllAfrica]

The First Phase of renovating Maputo International Airport came to a conclusion with the inauguration of the new International Terminal in November 2010. Phase Two commenced shortly after when the old domestic terminal (that is, the old International Terminal built in the 60s) was torn down to make way for the new one costing USD$36million, built by Chinese firm Anhui Foreign Economic Construction (Group) Co. Ltd. (AFECC) as part of The Airports Company of Mozambique's renovation and rejuvenation program. A new Control Tower is also expected to be completed.

Phase Three of the project is to follow with the renovation of the main runway, aprons and taxiways.


Situated 3km northwest of Maputo, the Mozambican capital, Maputo International Airport is the largest airport in Mozambique serving roughly 500'000 passengers per year. However, since independence in 1975 from colonial power Portugal and the bitter civil war that followed, little has been done to maintain, let alone, upgrade existing aeronautical infrastructure - until now.

Lourenço Marques (Maputo) Airport 1950s (Delagoa Bay)

Maputo Airport 1960s (Delagoa Bay)
Lourenço Marques (Maputo) Airport 1960s (Delagoa Bay)

Phase I

Phase One expansion and modernisation of Maputo International Airport began in 2007 with the construction of new VIP/Presidential, Cargo and International Passenger Terminals aimed at boosting passenger capacity from 300'000 passengers per year, to 900'000 a year. it was built at a cost of USD$75million with funding coming in the form of a low interest Chinese loan. The main contractor was Anhui Foreign Economic Construction (Group) Co. Ltd. (AFECC), China.

Phase One was completed in November 2010. 

Phase II

Phase Two consisted of first demolishing the old International Terminal which had since been turned into the Domestic Terminal, and then, the construction of a New Domestic Terminal and a new Control Tower budgeted to cost USD$36million. Construction of all buildings is complete, with the Control Tower Equipment tender having been awarded and subsequently, about to be fulfilled.

Phase Two is now undergoing testing and evaluation intended to anticipate, identify and correct any possible problems at the terminal that may occur when the terminal is used by operators and passengers.

Until the completion of works, both domestic and international flights from Maputo will operate out of the new International Terminal.


  • Main contractor: Anhui Foreign Economic Construction (Group) Co. Ltd. (AFECC) 
  • Architects: L-Wong Consulting, Maputo, Mozambique 
  • Objective: New Domestic Terminal Building, New Control Tower Building & Equipment. 
  • Area: 13,200 square metres 
  • Intended Capacity:  2 million passengers/annum (580 passengers at peak hours, with 300 in the departure lounge and 280 in arrivals.) 
  • Facilities: 14 check-in counters, offices, a main hall and commercial area, a health clinic, restaurants, pharmacies, and other facilities.


Phase III

Phase Three will commence when Phase Two is successfully completed and will entail the renovation of Maputo's existing 3'660m (12'007ft) solitary runway, apron and taxiways.

In December 2011, the French Development Agency (AFD) availed €1.6million to finance consulting services needed for the design of Maputo International Airport's airside infrastructure rehabilitation works, with construction to begin in early 2013.

In December 2012, it was announced that Phase III would only begin in 2014.


Maputo Airport
Maputo Airport (Domestic L, International R)
Maputo Airport (Domestic L, International R) Zoomed
Zoom in of Terminals.
Rendering of Maputo Airport
Overall Airport Rendering (L-wong)
Cargo Terminal, Maputo Airport, Mozambique
Cargo Terminal (Phase I)
Maputo Airport VIP/Presidential Terminal (Phase II)
VIP/Presidential Terminal (Phase I)
Maputo Airport, Control Tower, Mozambique
Control Tower (Phase II)

Overall Project Rendering Maputo Airport
Overall Project Rendering (AdM)



So far, Phase I has been completed and commissioned  with Phase II following hot on its tracks. For the most part, construction has been on time though not necessarily on budget; Phase I experienced a serious cost overrun, with AFECC requesting an additional US$40 million to complete the work. Phase II's deadline of a September 2012 opening seems unlikely given construction delays.

Update: Terminal A (the Domestic Terminal) was in fact handed over on 15 October 2012.

Maputo Airport International Terminal
Maputo Airport International Terminal Check In Desks
Maputo Airport International Facade
Maputo Airport Inside
Inside Maputo Airport International Terminal (Bie)
Maputo Airport International
Airside view (Alama)

Maputo Airport International Terminal
Maputo Airport International Terminal (Alama)

Construction Maputo Airport Domestic Terminal
Construction Maputo Airport Domestic Terminal (March 2012)

Construction Maputo Airport Domestic Terminal
Construction Maputo Airport Domestic Terminal (March 2012)
Ministerial Tour Domestic Terminal Maputo Airport
Ministerial Tour Domestic Terminal

▪ The Completed A & B Terminals (Updated August 2012) ▪

Completed Domestic & International Terminals, Mozambique
Both Terminals Complete (alama)
Completed International (B) Terminal, Mozambique
Completed International (B) Terminal (alama)

Completed Domestic (A) Terminal, Maputo
Completed Domestic (A) Terminal (alama)