"It is continuing with plans to expand its route network into other parts of Africa. Chief executive Blacky Komani said it was considering three new destinations and expected to launch the first of its new services by June. 1Time was preparing to overcome protectionism that had been preventing cross-border services in Africa by forming partnerships with indigenous airlines in the three countries."
Losses, mostly blamed on sharp increases in fuel and airport charges, and the weakening South African Rand, have been the primary factors that have hampered the industry for the year 2011. Passenger numbers were lower than budgeted for and average ticket prices were under pressure due to fierce competition from airlines like Comair BA, Kulula, Mango, SAA and the now grounded LCC Velvet Sky.
Both 1time & Comair (who fly under Kulula & British Airways
brands in South Africa) will be outcompeted by SAA, Mango & South
African Express; if the SA government continues to underwrite their losses.