Monday, May 7, 2012

► ANGOLA: TAAG to start Buenos Aires? Aerolineas Argentinas to start Luanda?

TAAG logo
According to press reports from Argentina, President Kirchner is to lead a large delegation of bureaucrats and businessmen to the Angolan capital Luanda, to negotiate energy deals and if possible the opening of TAAG and Aerolineas Argentinas offices in each other's respective countries.

Ultimately, the aim is to commence air services from Angola to Argentina and vice versa.
"(Translated from Spanish)The official agenda of Cristina Kirchner will be a meeting with President Dos Santos, in the group will be Argentina's president, ministers, and one hundred entrepreneurs. In addition to agreements on energy issues, there is the possibility of the signing of an agreement between Aerolineas Argentinas and the state-owned TAAG Angola Airlines to sell tickets there for that company in Buenos Aires and then establish a direct flight to Luanda."